Wednesday 6 February 2019

Stephen Hawking IQ - The Man With Scientific Studies

The basic reason to maintain the good cognitive health is to improve a person’s intelligence quotient. Generally, many people tend to take various tests to measure the IQ. The IQ score will be generated by conducting some different tests. An average IQ score should be 100, if the score is below 100 then take steps to improve your IQ. World notable scientist Albert Einstein’s IQ was 160 and some research says that even Stephen Hawking IQ was 160 matching the score of Einstein. 

Stephen Hawking is seen as a world’s smartest person but he never revealed his IQ score. Many people still get into debate that hawking have never taken any IQ test. In an interview, Hawking was questioned what his IQ is? Hawking gave an abrupt reply like “ I have no idea. The people who boast about their IQ are losers.”

Some of the great research of Hawking includes cosmology, the large scale structure of Space and time, 2nd law of black hole dynamics and Hartle Hawking State. With all these notable researches, Hawking have received many awards throughout his career in physical science. Hawking always believed that there is another intelligent life outside the planet earth. This statement was made into a cover story on number of channels. 

Stephan William Hawking was a renowned theoretical physicist who have contributed much to the World of Science. He was attacked with very serious disease in his early 20’s, despite of all the odds Stephan continued to work. With the progress in disease’s disabling effects Hawking never left himself back. Hawking took an IQ test when he got to know about the dreadful disease he was caught with. 

Hawking was never a person to think small, his main aim was to understand the global space completely. It is not a mistake if one considers hawking as a smartest person in world, there is no doubt in it. Yet there are many people in the world who have scores high scores in IQ tests. Many people often tend to take up the IQ tests to check out their smartness. IQ is an attempt to measure the intelligence of a person but IQ is confused with various factors like memory, Knowledge and wisdom. 

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